Altdorf b.Nürnberg Business directory Page 26

> Germany > Bavaria > Middle Franconia > Nürnberger Land > Altdorf b.Nürnberg

Altdorf b.Nürnberg entries of companies, associations and organizations are gathered here containing informations of contact-address, operation hours and experience reports of customers. You can add your own business entry or organization here.

Altdorf b.Nürnberg entries

There were 2576 entries found

Ottensooser Weg 9
91233, Neunkirchen am Sand

 +49 (0) 915397498
 +49 (0) 915397499

Dorfstr. 6
91233, Neunkirchen am Sand

 (+49) 09153 - 7161

Rosenstr. 1B
91207, Lauf an der Pegnitz

Adalbert - Stifter - Str. 21
90552, Röthenbach an der Pegnitz

 (+49) 0911 577969

Neunkirchener Str. 6
91207, Lauf an der Pegnitz

 09123 987766

Johannisstr. 3
91207, Lauf an der Pegnitz

 (+49) 09123-963504

Zum Hüttberg 6
90518, Altdorf

 (+49) 09187 904080

Rollhofer Weg 4
91233, Neunkirchen am Sand


Kehrstr. 12
91207, Lauf an der Pegnitz

 (+49) 0 912384955
 (+49) 0 912384956

Hagenhausener Str. 2
90518, Altdorf

 (09187) 9069628
 (09187) 9069629

Türkeistr. 19
90518, Altdorf

 09187 / 80601
 09187 / 80602

Kuhnhofer Weg 30
91207, Lauf an der Pegnitz

 (+49) 0 9123/12989

Hauptstr. 4
91233, Neunkirchen am Sand

 +49 (0)9123 9980338
 +49 (0)9123 9980337

Bräunleinsberg 51
91233, Neunkirchen am Sand

 +49 (0) 912381094
 +49 (0) 912383765

Ringstraße 9
91233, Neunkirchen am Sand

 (09123) 84876
 (09123) 84981

Nrnberger Str. 18A
91207, Lauf an der Pegnitz

 (+49) 0 9123 961011

Ottensooser Weg 1
91207, Lauf an der Pegnitz

 +49 (0) 9123984058

Oberer Markt 6
91284, Neuhaus an der Pegnitz

 (+49) 09156 927082

Waldstr. 17
91284, Neuhaus an der Pegnitz

 (+49) 0 91561524

Waldluststr. 1
91207, Lauf an der Pegnitz

 +49 (0) 9123950254
 +49 (0) 9123950501

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Cities & surrounding

Altdorf b.Nürnberg branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Altdorf b.Nürnberg in this month. This month 1 companies were registered, 1 were updated and 1 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Altdorf b.Nürnberg December 2024Diagram Altdorf b.NürnbergDiagram Altdorf b.Nürnberg December 2024New registrationUpdateDeleteNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Altdorf b.Nürnberg with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Altdorf b.Nürnberg 2024Statistics Altdorf b.NürnbergStatistics Altdorf b.Nürnberg 2024020406080100November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Altdorf b.Nürnberg