Kreisfreie Stadt Schwabach Business directory Page 7

> Germany > Bavaria > Middle Franconia > Kreisfreie Stadt Schwabach

Business entries of Kreisfreie Stadt Schwabach are listed here containing contact-address, hours and experience reports of users. You can register your own company entry or organization here.

Kreisfreie Stadt Schwabach entries

There were 1804 entries found

Dr. - Ehlen - Str. 44
91126, Schwabach

 (+49) 0 9122/72195
 (+49) 0 9122/72195

Bahnhofstr. 8 - 16
91126, Schwabach

 09122 / 870
 09122 / 9373333

Wiesenstr. 3
91126, Schwabach

 (+49) 0 9122 1854335

Nördlinger Straße 44
91126, Schwabach

 (+49) 09122 / 87 84 16

Bahnhofstr. 8 - 16
91126, Schwabach

 09122 / 870
 09122 / 871506

Industriestr. 6
91126, Schwabach

 (09122) 74007
 (09122) 74079

Berlichingenstr. 14
91126, Schwabach

 (+49) 09122 - 93670
 (+49) 09122 - 936733

Waikersreuther Str. 2C
91126, Schwabach

 (09122) 13403
 (09122) 14337

Franz - Xaver - Schuster - Str. 2
91126, Schwabach

 (09122) 12969

Penzendorfer Str. 67
91126, Schwabach

 (+49) 0 9122 633240
 (+49) 0 9122 633198

Am Kiefernschlag 18
91126, Schwabach

 (09122) 79290
 (09122) 792929

Walpersdorfer Strasse 27
91126, Schwabach

 (09122) 83560
 (09122) 16666

Beim Biengarten 3C
91126, Schwabach


Forstersbühl 11
91126, Schwabach

 +49 (0)9122 - 6032524
 (09122) 6032525

Rother Str. 111
91126, Schwabach

 (09122) 75202
 (09122) 71001

Königstr. 15
91126, Schwabach

Höllgasse 5
91126, Schwabach

 (09122) 93389 0

Neutorstr. 1
91126, Schwabach

 (09122) 2356

Dr. - Haas - Str. 38
91126, Schwabach

 (0700) 27442684
 (0800) 27442684

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Cities & surrounding

Kreisfreie Stadt Schwabach branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Kreisfreie Stadt Schwabach in this month. This month 24 companies were registered, 57 were updated and 27 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Kreisfreie Stadt Schwabach March 2025Diagram Kreisfreie Stadt SchwabachDiagram Kreisfreie Stadt Schwabach March 2025UpdateDeleteNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Kreisfreie Stadt Schwabach with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Kreisfreie Stadt Schwabach 2025Statistics Kreisfreie Stadt SchwabachStatistics Kreisfreie Stadt Schwabach 2025020406080100February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Kreisfreie Stadt Schwabach