Orthopaedics and physiotherapy - apparatus, instruments and equipment Business directory Page 12

> Business Directory > Precision Equipment > Orthopaedics and physiotherapy - apparatus, instruments and equipment

Business entries of Orthopaedics and physiotherapy - apparatus, instruments and equipment are listed here containing contact-data, operation hours and experience reports of users. You can enlist your own company entry or association here.

Orthopaedics and physiotherapy - apparatus, instruments and equipment entries

There were 2216 entries found

Zweinaundorfer Str. 1
04318, Leipzig

 +49 (0)3416810970
 +49 (0)3416810972

Untermarkt 3
82515, Wolfratshausen

 08171 18477

Mühlenstr. 5-9
45894, Gelsenkirchen

 (+49) 0 209 37228
 (+49) 0 209 37229

Unterer Haldenweg 43
72768, Reutlingen


Gutenbergstr. 3
65343, Eltville am Rhein

 +49 (0) 612360190
 +49 (0) 61236019129

Augustinerstr. 6
97070, Würzburg

 (+49) 093152829

Güterstr. 1
54329, Konz

 (+49) 0 6501/4201

Tulpenweg 7
97816, Lohr

 +49 (0) 9352 - 603160

Fritz - Stettner - Str. 25
96129, Strullendorf

 +49 (0)9543 6021
 +49 (0)9543 6021

Klotzstr. 15
40721, Hilden


Marschtorstr. 1
29451, Dannenberg (Elbe)


Dalbergstr. 74
67122, Altrip

 (+49) 0 6236 - 425754
 (+49) 0 6236 - 425737

Kaiser-Heinrich-Str. 4
Schloß Neuhaus
33104, Paderborn

 (+49) 0 5254 2028

Zeithstr. 145
53819, Neunkirchen-Seelscheid

 02247 - 70009

Harderstr. 17
85049, Ingolstadt

 0841 1600
 0841 910124

Neuwiese 31
54317, Kasel

 (+49) 0 651 / 4357625

Nordbahnhofstr. 17
70191, Stuttgart

 (+49) 0711255670
 (+49) 07112556710

Rathausplatz 4
34246, Vellmar

 0561 821084
 0561 821085

Hellmuth-Hirth-Str. 1
74081, Heilbronn


Karmeliterstr. 6
52064, Aachen

 (+49) 0 241 / 4099450
 (+49) 0 241 / 40994525

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Cities & surrounding

Orthopaedics and physiotherapy - apparatus, instruments and equipment branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Orthopaedics and physiotherapy - apparatus, instruments and equipment in this month. This month 20 companies were registered, 37 were updated and 22 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Orthopaedics and physiotherapy - apparatus, instruments and equipment March 2025Diagram Orthopaedics and physiotherapy - apparatus, instruments and equipmentDiagram Orthopaedics and physiotherapy - apparatus, instruments and equipment March 2025UpdateDeleteNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Orthopaedics and physiotherapy - apparatus, instruments and equipment with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Orthopaedics and physiotherapy - apparatus, instruments and equipment 2025Statistics Orthopaedics and physiotherapy - apparatus, instruments and equipmentStatistics Orthopaedics and physiotherapy - apparatus, instruments and equipment 2025020406080100February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics