Prostheses, orthopedic Business directory
> Business Directory > Health > Medical Equipment > Prostheses, orthopedic
Business entries of Prostheses, orthopedic are listed here with informations of contact-address, hours and experience reports. You can add your own company entry or association on this page.
Prostheses, orthopedic entries
There were 132 entries found
Hans - Geiger - Str. 2
89407, Dillingen
(09071) 58686 0 | |
(09071) 5868670 |
Franziskusstr. 18-24
45889, Gelsenkirchen
0209982230 |
Schloßstr. 81
40477, Düsseldorf
02114982957 | |
0211 - 4910512 |
Schlachthofstraße 3
91126, Schwabach
(09122) 98550 | |
(09122) 985599 |
Thomas-Mann-Str. 2
08058, Zwickau
(+49) 0375471708 | |
(+49) 0375471709 |
Ostpassage 1
30853, Langenhagen
+49 (0) 511721022 | |
+49 (0) 511 721023 |
Karl - Braun - Str. 10
14974, Thyrow
+49 (0)3 37 31 / 70 09 24 | |
+49 (0)33731 / 700925 |
Am Bahnhof 12
66892, Bruchmühlbach-Miesau
(+49) 06372993103 | |
(+49) 063727407 |
Cities & surrounding
Prostheses, orthopedic branches and surrounding
- Germany
- Apparatus and equipment for the disabled
- Bandages and dressings
- Beauty salons - equipment
- Beauty salons - instruments
- Crutches
- Dental preparations
- Dental surgery furnishings
- Dentistry - apparatus and equipment
- Dentistry - instruments
- Dentistry - products
- Dentistry - supplies
- Depilatory instruments
- Disposable medical and surgical articles
- Electrocardiographs
- Electroencephalographic equipment
- Gases, medical - apparatus and equipment
- Hairdressing salons - equipment
- Hairdressing salons - instruments
- Hearing appliances
- Hydrotherapeutic massage - equipment
- Import-export - medical and surgical equipment
- Incubators - medicine and surgery
- Manicure instruments
- Massage - equipment
- Massage instruments
- Medical and surgical optics - instruments
- Medical electronics - apparatus and equipment
- Medical imaging equipment and instruments
- Needles for syringes
- Orthodontics - accessories and supplies
- Orthodontics - instruments
- Pedicure instruments
- Physiotherapy equipment
- Rehabilitation apparatus and equipment
- Sauna - equipment
- Sterilisation and disinfection - medical equipment
- Surgical apparatus and equipment
- Surgical implants
- Syringes
- Tanning salons - equipment
- Tattoo instruments
- Transfusion equipment
- Veterinary equipment
- Veterinary instruments
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Economic activity March 2025
The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Prostheses, orthopedic in this month. This month 16 companies were registered, 58 were updated and 48 businesses were canceled.
Economic development statistics 2025
The statistics show the economic development of Prostheses, orthopedic with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.