Wiesbaden, Landeshauptstadt Business directory Page 4

> Germany > Hesse > Darmstadt > Kreisfreie Stadt Wiesbaden > Wiesbaden, Landeshauptstadt

Wiesbaden, Landeshauptstadt entries of companies, administrations and associations are gathered here containing informations of address, hours and experience reports. You can add your own company entry or organization here.

Wiesbaden, Landeshauptstadt entries

There were 22970 entries found

Pfarrmorgen 2
65205, Wiesbaden


Zehntenhofstr. 18
65201, Wiesbaden


Tennelbachstr. 65
65193, Wiesbaden

 +49 (0)611541373

Junkernstr. 16
65205, Wiesbaden

 (06122) 940838
 (06122) 940843

Rheinstr. 36
65185, Wiesbaden

 +49 (0)611 2360600

Herderstr. 10
65185, Wiesbaden

 +49 (0) 221 9422172

Herrnmhlgasse 11
65183, Wiesbaden

 (+49) 0 611993760
 (+49) 0 6119937636

Freudenbergstr. 16
65201, Wiesbaden

 +49 (0)61124596

Rheinstr. 49
65185, Wiesbaden

 +49 (0) 611 520774
 +49 (0) 611 597904

Wandersmannstr. 57D
65205, Wiesbaden

 (+49) 0611 7902110
 (+49) 0611 7902111

Schulgasse 5
65183, Wiesbaden


Castellumstr. 120
55252, Mainz-Kastel

 +49 (0) 6134 260578
 +49 (0) 6134 260578

Rheinstr. 93
65185, Wiesbaden

 (+49) 06119333090
 (+49) 061193330997

Rathenauplatz 6
65203, Wiesbaden


Dotzheimer Straße 36
65185, Wiesbaden

 (+49) 0611 / 44 88 74 0
 (+49) 0611 / 71 18 10 05

Wilhelmstr. 60
65183, Wiesbaden

 +49 (0) 611 - 990370
 +49 (0) 611 - 9903715

Pfahlerstr. 33
65193, Wiesbaden

Michelsberg 4
65183, Wiesbaden


Adelheidstr. 91
65185, Wiesbaden

 0611 999260

Kaiser - Friedrich - Ring 32
65185, Wiesbaden

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Cities & surrounding

Wiesbaden, Landeshauptstadt branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Wiesbaden, Landeshauptstadt in this month. This month 31 companies were registered, 48 were updated and 52 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Wiesbaden, Landeshauptstadt December 2024Diagram Wiesbaden, LandeshauptstadtDiagram Wiesbaden, Landeshauptstadt December 2024DeleteUpdateNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Wiesbaden, Landeshauptstadt with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Wiesbaden, Landeshauptstadt 2024Statistics Wiesbaden, LandeshauptstadtStatistics Wiesbaden, Landeshauptstadt 20240153045607590November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Wiesbaden, Landeshauptstadt